Six days. 3,100 miles. By myself! :) I have not had the best Internet connection in each place I've stopped, so I haven't updated. Plus, after driving 12 hr days, the last thing you want to do is type. You just want to relax. It's been an amazing journey though. I don't regret doing this. The things I've seen, the places I've been ... pictures and words can never do it all justice. I will do my best though. Here's my recap of my trip:
Saturday: Birmingham to around Gulf Coast to stay in Houston with Julie & David.
Sunday: Houston, TX to El Paso, TX. Nothing interesting there. Lots of Mexicans.
Monday: El Paso, TX all the way up through AZ to Flagstaff. Stayed with McWane. We had an excellent time. I went to Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon. We then went out on the town that night and met an interesting biker ...
Tuesday: Flagstaff, AZ to Las Vegas to stay with my Uncle Tom. This was one hot drive. AZ and NV are hot hot. I saw the Grand Canyon this day. Words will never do this justice. It was something you could only experience for yourself with your own eyes. I could honestly have sat there and stared into it for hours. It's that mesmerizing. It made me wonder, what did the Native Americans think when they first stumbled across this? I can't help but think they had the same reaction that I did.
Wednesday: Vegas to Mammoth, CA. I drove through Death Valley. I thought it'd be neat. Well, it was neat and HOT as you know what. HOT. 121 degrees. It was crazy to see. Mammoth is what postcards are made of. Unreal. Beautiful beyond measure. It's a huge ski resort in the winter and a lot of fun things to do in the summer. I also saw portions of Yosemite this day.
Thursday: Mammoth, CA to San Jose. I finished my trip through Yosemite. I saw all of it, except the southern Redwood area. I saw that 4 yrs ago when I went to Yosemite for the first time. Yosemite is a place like none other. I can't tell you unless you've seen it for yourself. Of all the days I was on this trip by myself, this was the one day I wish I had someone with me. It's the type of place you want others to see, so they can feel what you feel. If you don't believe in God, go to Yosemite. It's a spiritual experience.
So, at 3pm Pacific Time, I pulled into the Coyote Valley RV Park! I still can't believe I up and came out here, but it's been great. I have loved every minute of this trip.
I'm now here for an undetermined amount of time. I am looking forward to what my future holds.
I will post pictures later. If you're on Facebook, they are already up.
Dan comes out in one week. I believe we'll be going to Yosemite to camp, which I can't wait for. So, more pictures to come from that trip.
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