Last Monday I drove into work like any other day. I thought it'd be a normal day, but it was far from a normal day. It was the day I was fired. In the moment it happened I thought, "Great, what am I going to do now?" I looked for jobs for a week and all I came up with were part time jobs and waitressing gigs. Little did I know, it'd be that day that would allow me to do what I'm about to do.
If you know me, like, really "really" know me, you know of my desire to move out West. I was lucky to have lived in Montana for three years when I was younger. I have been out West many times and words can't express how truly beautiful it is out there, unless you've seen it with your own eyes. My first visit to California was the summer of 2005. I fell in love with that state. I then returned in a cross country RV trip in 2007 to Southern California. I have always said I left my heart there.
I read a book two years ago that changed my life. My dear, sweet friend, Amber Montgomery told me I had to read it. She's one of those who "really" knows me. It is
Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller. I have referenced it before in past blogs. If you are anything like me, a free spirit, adventurous and long for something new ... read it. You'll never be sorry. The forward alone gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes. It's just like he's talking to me. He explains why he left Texas with his best friend, years ago, to set out on the open road on a cross country road trip. He explains a deep desire he had for something new. His words are my exact thoughts and feelings at this moment, if not always.
My best friends live in San Jose. Amber recently told me it was time for me to take a break from Alabama. She always says that, for me to come out & stay, but this time I told her she better be serious about her invitation. I was to fly out Aug 19th anyway, but I thought, "why not go earlier?" I mean, I just lost my job and have nothing holding me back? Why not?
I was having a hard time trying to decide what to do. Should I stay or should I go now? I prayed a lot and talked to my parents in depth. My dad told me a story that he'd never told me. He was 27 and living in Montana. He had just gotten out of a difficult relationship and needed a break. He knew of a friend in Alabama and heard of a big company hiring. He flew down, interviewed, met some people & decided to move to AL. He borrowed a truck, drove back up to MT and gathered his "wordly possessions," as he called them, then drove back down. As his story goes ... he met my mom months later and they married soon after. When he told me that story I knew what I had to do. He said to me, "Catherine, just go." Hearing my dad's blessing gave me a peace about it & I then realized it was time for me to go.
I can't think of another time in my life where I've been more ready for this. I have toyed with this idea, of California, for four years now. I have nothing tying me down. I don't have a mortgage, a job or much "stuff." So, I'm going. The money I have been saving couldn't be spent in better way, in my opinion. I am leaving Saturday. I am leaving in my car, driving the 2,800 miles on my own. I believe this will be a great adventure and one I won't regret. I plan to stay one month. We'll see what happens from there. I know, just as some of you know, hardships and bad things in life can result into something beautiful. That's my hope here.
So that's where my story starts ...
I am only taking a suitecase with 2 wks worth of clothes, my bike, and a few other things. I will be staying with friends & family along the way. Once I arrive in San Jose I will be staying with my dear friends Amber & Jason and also Jason Keenum.
This trip will take at least three days. I may do it in four to see a few areas along the way. I'm making my way through the Southwest region. I have been lucky enough to see most of that area, but never the Grand Canyon. I hope to do that on my way out and possibly make my way into San Jose by way of Yosemite.
You are probably thinking, "Does she know the unemployment rate in CA is the worst in the country?" Yes, yes I do. I just feel people always find their way somehow. I have faith in the sweet Lord that things will work out as they are supposed to.
Thanks to all of my great friends who have recently sent kind words, well wishes and your blessings for me to do this. I still can't believe I am doing this, but I am very excited!
So, here's to many fun adventures ahead.... I love you all!
(BTW - points to who can guess what song I referenced in the post title, Berg??)