I'm sure you all get tired of seeing pictures from my fun adventures and are curious as to "Is she even looking for a job out there?" Well, my friend, I am. I have a part time job at a golf course in San Jose, where I am constantly making contacts in the tech industry (Hello - I am in the heart of Silicon Valley!). In fact, today, at the golf course, I had two tables (both full of business men) ask me where I was from due to my "slight" Southern accent. Both parties asked me my story of how I ended up here and both asked for my contact info on helping me find a job.
I have hit the job search full force in the past 2-3 weeks. I feel my hard work is paying off. I have applied with all the companies you can think of that are based here: Google (btw - they have 780,000 applications a year!), Yahoo, Ebay, PayPal, Oracle, Facebook, Specialized (bikes! based here in little Morgan Hill), GU (all BTC ppl would love if I got this, so would I, dream job, I'd get to go to Kona for Ironman!), REI, The North Face, and Yelp to name a few. Yelp is a site everyone & their mom uses here in CA. It's an online review site (Wes Poole - look at it). It's very neat.
So, I do have two 2nd interviews this Thursday with two companies I have mentioned above. One is with Yelp and the other is North Face. Yelp is growing so rapidly that they are opening a new office in Scottsdale, AZ, so I have told them I would be willing to move there if need be. We'll see what happens. I'd be a lot closer to the Grand Canyon, but yet, a lot hotter since it's 80-85 year round.
I feel very lucky right now. I do feel positive and hope to have my own living situation squared away soon. In fact, I will be leaving the RV park soon and moving in with a girl I've met. Kali, from DC. She did the exact same thing I did - left her job in DC and drove here to find work. She already has a job - she's a nurse, so jobs are a-plenty there. I look forward to living with her!
So, keep your fingers crossed for me - working full time again would be an adjustment (laugh), but I'm ready to get back into it.